
Get from planning to savings faster

Energy Efficiency Consulting

Our energy consultancy helps your organisation reduce your organisation carbon footprint and adhere to the UK Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS Regulations 2014). 

Glass Maze work with our clients to fully understand their data which is the first step in accessing your energy usage and waste. 

Our Energy management solutions help you to work smarter, innovative and cost-effective while helping you maintain and achieve saving on an ongoing basis.

Our professional services provide for comprehensive end-to-end energy management systems that harmonise buildings with the environment and people.

We work in partnership with  to ensure we can deliver a successful and optimised energy management services which outcomes are measurable for our clients

  • Comfort

    Increase in comfort while saving the environment

  • Productivity

    Increase in staff producivity

  • Property

    A higher building value


Glass Maze provides an open innovation platform for buildings, which is a collaboration of the Internet of Things (IoT) solution that features a scalable, secure global architecture to make buildings of all types smart.

With an open and secure software integration framework, we are allowing collaboration across complex third pard party systems to create hardware/software innovative custom solutions.

Integrating connected products using industry-standards protocols helps future-ready buildings and ensures new technology expansion will be easier to adopt and implement.

We want your company/organisation to help climate change by reducing 

Your carbon footprint and energy efficiency are the quickest, cheapest and cleanest way to reduce our energy consumption and achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction to meet Kyoto targets. 

Glass Maze is committed to being your energy manager, your energy expert and your green partner! Ambitious energy efficiency actions are feasible NOW: in most existing installations, we can target up to 30% energy savings using current offers and technologies through our step approach to energy efficiency

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